Paul Michael Angell’s documentary feature film Medicine Man: The Stan Brock Story has its long-awaited South London premiere on Thursday 7th November at 8pm in Whirled Cinema, near Loughborough Junction SE24 0HN. Doors 7pm. The film tells the tale of Stan Brock, a British-born Amazonian cowboy who becomes a U.S. TV show star, has a mid-life crisis, takes a vow of poverty and then starts running free mobile medical clinics in the United States to help the woefully underserved. With no government support or corporate sponsorship, any hope of growth seems unlikely, but after 30 years and thanks to a strident Volunteer Corps, his organisation Remote Area Medical is bigger than ever. The film has been produced by an equally dedicated and impassioned South East London team over the course of a decade. It’s a tribute to the film’s South London roots that this theatrical screens in Whirled on the 7th. It will be followed by a Q&A with the Director Paul Michael Angell and Producer Vladimir Daniel.
Whirled Cinema screening feature in SE Mags/Around Dulwich
Film trailer:
Further film links which include worldwide streaming options: