HHMF24 Come and Sing Evensong • St Faith’s Church 13th Oct. 6-8:30pm
13 October 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
We traditionally wrap up Weekend #1 with a free entry Evensong, and this year we do again, but with a new approach. Our 8th event welcomes everyone along to St Faith’s Church, North Dulwich to join the choir – just turn up on the day to learn the music all together at 6pm. The more the merrier! The Evensong service then proceeds from 7:30pm. Music will feature Wood’s rousing O Thou the Central Orb and Stanford’s famous Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. Keep an eye out on the St Faith’s Facebook page for more details or contact Bethany on music@stfaithschurch.org if you have any questions.