For tension to be released in the tissues of the body, first, it needs to be activated. Gaze into this visual above – how does this make you feel, and importantly, what does it awaken in you?
Weakness in this deep seated muscle, the deepest in the body – the psoas major, can create postural unpleasantness, low back irritations, breathing issues and a lack of confidence.
To both strengthen and support/ease, this incredible innermost part of us, requires a gathering embodied awareness of what’s going on around it.
I like to call this ‘neighbourly relations’. Just as we wish to be on good terms with our next door neighbours, so too, we wish to be on good terms with our own myo-fascial networks (myo meaning muscle, fascia relating to the connective tissue throughout the body)
More about the psoas
Deep seated upset might be buried here. When we crack open the embodiment doorway, we are truly connecting with what is there, through sensation.
Sensation is information.
Come and experience this deep part of you for yourself. That is the true teacher. Your amazing body.
The arc of the session:
Come away with a greater and deeper connection to this part of you, that always sits within the context of the whole.
The session infuses a weave of embodied coherent breathing, along with soothing hip opening sequences to ease tension from the pelvic bowl, hamstrings and lower back topography. All around the deeper wisdom of the psoas.
This is always a practice.
Come, let’s practise together.
Summary of workshop detail
Date: Saturday 13th January
Time: 10 am to midday
Venue: Effra Space, 21 Effra Parade, London SW2 1PX:
Effra Space & Herne Hill Space — find Effra Space
Investment: £30 pp
How to book: Link to pay:
Payment confirms your place. You are also welcome to bring cash on the day – just email Ciara to book your place (
What to bring: Mats and props are at the studio.
Toilets and changing facilities are also there.
Cancellation policy: Minimum of 48 hours notice please, with your payment transferred/credited to another Wholly Aligned offering